Choose your Wessex approved used car with complete confidence with our 10 commitments to you, when you purchase a used car from Wessex Garages.
1. 63-Point Health Check & Inspection
Every Wessex approved used car will be checked by our fully trained technicians to ensure it meets our exceptionally high standards.
If, for whatever reason, you are not completely satisfied with your approved used car, let us know before the 14th day after your delivery or collection date and you’ll receive a full refund.
3. Balance of Manufacturer's Warranty or 12-Month Wessex Warranty
Every Wessex approved used car comes with either the balance of manufacturer’s warranty or a Wessex Standard warranty for 12 months.
4. Minimum 6-Month Remaining MOT
Our approved used cars will carry a minimum of 6 months MOT remaining when purchased, allowing you to drive away with confidence.
5. Documented Service History & Mileage Warranty
To ensure our Wessex approved used cars have been cared for through their lifetime, all our vehicles come with a documented service history.
6. Serviced if required within 6-Months
All of our approved used cars will have at least 6 months until the next scheduled service is due, giving you peace of mind when purchasing.
7. Full Valet
We pride ourselves on presenting our Wessex approved used vehicles to the highest standards of cleanliness inside and out. All cars receive a full valet prior to collection.
8. Minimum 12-Month Roadside Recovery
Each Wessex approved used car comes with a 12-month roadside recovery programme.
9. 'We Care' Flat Battery Recovery for all Electric cars
All approved used battery electric vehicles, and not hybrid or plug-ins, will be provided flat battery recovery insurance which covers the car running out of power on a journey.
10. Inclusive of Manufacturer Approved Schemes
We are able to provide the backing of the manufacturers' approved schemes with our Kia, Nissan, Hyundai, Mazda and Mitsubishi used cars.