Nissan Servicing, Parts and MOT Offers

Wessex Garages Nissan offers comprehensive servicing options and plans, as well as parts at competitive market rates from our dealerships and bodyshops at Cardiff, Bristoland Gloucester. You can save up to 20 percent on the price of your service by booking online, and we offer Bronze, Silver or Gold tiers of service options depending on the needs of you and your vehicle.
We use only genuine vehicle parts relating to the manufacturer of your vehicle, ensuring that your car is kept in optimal condition throughout its working life. You can book an MOT appointment with us, and also arrange for MOT insurance for the months between your annual MOT services.

Our service and budget plans cover a range of different budget and time ranges, giving you a high level of choice depending upon your personal circumstances. We give free health checks to your vehicle, and can allow for inflation-proof monthly payments through direct debit. If you would like more information regarding our various services and budget plans, or would like to enquire about any of the parts we have in stock, leave your details with us in the form below. We will get back to you as soon as we can to confirm your request.

Get your MOT for just £25 when you book your service with Wessex Garages