Wessex Garages Google Reviews

Have you visited Wessex Garages recently? We want to know you thoughts of our service.

Keeping our customers happy and exceeding expectations is very important to us at Wessex Garages. In fact, it is what we founded our business on over 28 years ago and why we continue to be a leading dealership in Wales and the South West.

We pride ourselves on the transparency and value for money that goes into the high level of customer service you have come to expect of Wessex Garages. But it is essential that we deliver what we say we do.

There is no better way of knowing what you think than receiving reviews from you, our trusted customers. So if you have visited us recently, we want to hear your thoughts. Perhaps you have bought a new or used car, or used our servicing team. Maybe you just called in to get a feel for what we do. Whatever the service, and whether you were pleased or disappointed, we want to know how about your experience.

To tell us your thoughts on any of our dealerships, select one of the locations below. Simply sign in with your Google account to be taken through to the Google Review page where you can leave us a comment.

If you don't have a Google Account, you can create one with any email address. Plase follow the steps below

Step 1    Look up for your favourite Wessex Garages dealership

Step 2    Create account


Create account Google

Step 3 Click "Use my current email address instead".

You are now able to sign up using your email address and leave a Google review on our Google page.

Use my current email address instead - Google Account

You can also still read out independent reviews on JudgeService.

We look forward to hearing from you.